4 websites to use when you’re travelling on a budget
Number 1. Momondo
Want to save money when you haven’t even left home?! Use “Momondo” to book
the cheapest flights available, tailored to your own preferences!
Number 2. Hostelworld
The number one tool for travellers on a budget is using “Hostelworld." The mixed bedrooms are the cheapest and
personally the most fun to connect with people all over the world! Don't believe the stigma around Hostels, they are well trusted and a great way to find community!
Number 3. Rentalcars
Want to see different parts of a country on an independent but cheaper manner? Rent a car! Stop along the road or at a small village on the way to your final destination.
Number 4. EasyTaxi
Want to get home safe after a night out but don’t have a credit card so
Uber is not an option? Use “Easytaxi”!
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